Missing Poems

Forgot to write a poem today
the buzzing in my veins
forbids me from sitting down
getting grounded
or letting go
So please Creator
see this feeble attempt
at expression a reminder
of my unwavering dedication to you
and that all I should do
be in reverence to you
the divine force
the heartbeat
the baby in the mother’s womb–

More Magic

the kitty waits
and rests in closets
as the rest rustle
and bustle around
the house
boiling water
drinking tea
talking about what
could potentially be:
should I do this
should I do that
let me show you a
picture of my
daughter in a
silly hat–
what fears remain
what joys retold
i’m sure this year
will unfold
more magic

Welcome Autumn

Summer ends
Like fireflies
Blinking in
The night
Lost as to where
They are going
Found by the lust
In a young lover’s eyes
Trust that things will be
Different this time
Faith that we’ll resurrect
In the next life–


The day winds down
as the sun sets behind the
Brooklyn rooftops
I’m reminded of a gentle
voice inside my head
she says yes you can
she says yes it’s all right
she says yes you can rest
’cause we’ll love you tonight–


Trapped in this
four block radius
I want to see what lies beyond
I want to take you there
so you can see–

You said it’s my grandma–

You called me into the
bedroom to see something
really special
you said

And on the windowsill
I saw
One large lustrous green parrot–

I thought
They don’t sit on
around here

In fact
They don’t fly
around Brooklyn at all–

I had never seen such
beauty so close–

My fingers shook
as I struggled to
take a picture
and so
in that instant

He flew away
but came back again
with four of his
brothers and sisters
and as a team
as one family
they gathered up
their soft green wings
and quickly
disappeared into
the early Brooklyn morning–

This poem was supposed to be about childhood memories

Summer morning weather
absolute bliss
Kitty keeps pushing
against my chest
Rolling around
a big ball of fur
I cannot get enough
of your cuteness

2:19 am

is everything
The universe
then some–

Mysterious Shape

In the darkness
I see a shape.
My husband?
A woman or a man?
A thick being from beyond?
An angel sent to tell me something?
The hollow feeling stiffening my skin
stopping my blood flow
My heart, a piece of ice–
But oh!!!
It is
a big stack of pillows
even the cats
even after we know for sure
for the rest of the

I Still Love You

We found throw up on the floor
and on top of the kitchen table
bits of faded brown kibble you
didn’t really digest–

Dad thinks you’re having a hard time.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen
things out of place:

Your water bowl was completely empty
its contents splattered on the floor
slowly dieing plants now sit in the hallway
the ones that were secretly becomming
your new potty
and you haven’t slept with us
in nights, maybe even weeks?
I don’t blame you
a new creature which rivals your size
and maybe even wit (!)
has taken over this shifting household
my second life
our combined existence

I want you to know,
dear kitties,
that we still love you
even if my pats on the head
or rub of the belly
or chase around the house has become
much less frequent
and so, to end this poem
I will do all of those three things

maybe just the first two–